“Patience will achieve more than force. ”
-Edmund Burke
Today's WOD:
A. Gymnastics Skills Set:
Kettlebell Snatch x 8-10 reps
Skin the Cat x 4-6 reps
Strict Toes to Bar x 8-10 reps
B. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds, of:
Ground to Overhead with a Plate (45/25 lbs.)
5 Burpees + 30 Double Unders
A recap of all the announcements from the last few days:
The next ELEMENTS Program (VII) starts on September 10th, please sign-up ASAP:
For any NEW or interested athletes, successful completion of the Elements program is required in order to participate in our regular CrossFit classes. The cost of the 4 week program is $155 (cash or check, due at your first class). Elements classes occur on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays at either 7:30am (with Coach Joe) or 7:00pm (with Coach Josh). Attendance at all 12-classes is required to pass. If any session is missed, a private make-up session for $50 must be scheduled with your coach. The Elements program re-cycles every 5 to 6 weeks (the next one starts on Monday, September 10, 2012). Please reserve your spot in the next Elements Program by emailing us at info@808crossfit.com and put in the subject line: AM or PM (choose one) ELEMENTS ATHLETE.
50-day Paleo Challenge coming to you on September 11th! Sign-up today!
Its that time to look better naked! 50-day Paleo Challenge will start on September 11th and finish on October 30th, just in time to celebrate Halloween with a few pieces of chocolate. The full breakdown about the Paleo Diet as well as the rules for the challenge will be given on Thursday, September 6th at 5:00pm with Coach Josh. The buy-in is $25 (yes, shirt is included). If we get 50 athletes signed up by this Friday, we'll have a party on Labor Day, Monday, September 3rd, at the box from Noon - 6pm! Email Coach Josh to sign-up for the challenge: josh@808crossfit.com.
Its a Labor Day PARRRRTAY!! SUNDAY, September 2, 2012 from 4:00pm - 10:00pm:
Come hangout and celebrate a bunch of milestones with us on Labor Day! In light of our upcomming 50-day Paleo Challenge, the food theme will be "Cheat meal" potluck-style! CrossFit 808 will be providing the pizzas and hot dogs, please sign-up and bring pupus and sides (i.e. chips and dip, vegetable platters, fruit platters, salad, korean bbq, manapua, wings, desserts, etc.). Also, B.Y.O.B and coolers. Please RSVP and let us know how many of you are coming by emailing (elyse@808crossfit.com), Facebook, or blog comments.
HOLIDAY CLASS SCHEDULE on Labor Day, Monday, September 3rd: 10:00am, 11:00am, and Noon!
HOLIDAY CLASS SCHEDULE on Labor Day, Monday, September 3rd: 10:00am, 11:00am, and Noon!
Yesterday's WOD Board:
Will be posted soon.