Saturday, December 10, 2011

Partner WOD!

"Nothing in progression can rest on its original plan. We might as well think of rocking a grown man in the cradle of an infant."
-Edmund Burke

Above: Bryson and U'ilani , from CrossFit Big Island, stopped by for our Saturday WOD this morning!  Bryson was Pat's partner in today's team WOD. They ended up taking the board by finishing the WOD in 17:20.

Today's WOD:
Skill Set:
3 rounds not for time:
10 Butterfly Pull-ups or Bat Wings
6 Pistols on each leg
10 Burpees

In 2-person teams, complete:
1. 100 KB Swings (70/53 lbs.)
    Overhead Plate Hold (45/25 lbs.)
   *1-person swinging while the other one holds plate overhead.
2. 800m Run
3. 1500m Row
    Top of Deadlift Hold (225/155 lbs.)
   *1-person rowing while the other one holds the top of the Deadlift.

Yesterday's WOD Board:
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