Thursday, December 22, 2011

Changes to our Monday HOLIDAY SCHEDULE!

"The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to do."
-Thomas Edison

Above: Marsha Clever (in the teal shorts and Rogue shirt), came to WOD while on vacation with her boyfriend, or should I say fiance! Congratulations, Marsha!
Today's WOD:
Myofascia Release (implement of your choice)
Band Assisted Mobility (including "nut crackers")
Dynamic Mobility (PVC doorway Front Squats)

AMRAP in 20 minutes, of:
5 Front Squats (135/95 lbs.)
10 Burpees
15 Regional Style Box Jumps (24")

The official "Butt Test" with Becky Conzelman, Elyse Umeda, Kris Clever, Katie Hogan, and Angie Pye.

Change to Monday's Holiday Schedule:
Since the demand is high for the earlier class on Monday, we will have the following Holiday Schedule on Monday, December 26th: 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm (6pm is cancelled). Please, RSVP below or on Facebook for a class time.

3:00pm (3 spots left) - Peedi, Marsha, Joe, Liza, Dustin, Nicole, Jackie, Kevin, Zach, Amber, K.P., and Syd
4:00pm (5 spots left) - Jade, Jordan, Jenna, Kim, Darin, Ken, Jeff M., Mike Y., Michelle, and Ingrid
5:00pm (5 spots left) - Shanelle, Emily, Shyla, Shelley, Mary, Brie, Bush, Jon, Laura, and Janelle
CANCELLED: 6:00pm (12 spots left) - Laura, Janelle

Yesterday's WOD Board: