Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 27 of the Paleo Challenge: Intermittent Fasting

"If you cheat reps in a WOD, I know about it and I tell others!" 
-Coach John B.

Today's WOD:
Front Squat

For time:
150 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs. to 10')
See March 3, 2011.

Day 27 of the Paleo Challenge!
Question: What if you're out with the family at a family fair/carnival and you are hungry, but didn't pack anything to eat?

Answer: Intermittent fasting!  If you want it in Paleolithic terms--our ancestors did not have grocery stores to stop at whenever they were hungry and sometimes they just couldn't make the catch or couldn't find some berries, so they had no choice but to fast for a day or so.  I have played around with intermittent fasting and found that it really makes me feel "clean", like I've gotten all the junk out.  Its not that hard, either, just takes a bit of will power.  Sometimes my fasting is planned, like I stop eating at 5:00pm and then eat the next day at 9:00am--16 to 20 hours is ideal for an intermittent fast.  Other times, the fasting is unplanned, like when my brother eats the meal I packed for the following day, so I have no choice but to fast till dinner.

Robb Wolf touches briefly on this in a blog post, saying: 
If you are familiar with the book Lights Out! Sleep, Sugar and Survival you will likely understand the importance of not only adequate sleep but also periods of fasting (ketosis) and living in a accordance with our genetics if you want to avoid fun stuff like premature aging, cancer and insulin resistance. Some people like Lights Out, others hate it but the information Wiley and Formby presented continues to be validated and occasionally implemented.

A great question is “how do I implement intermittent fasting?” to which I would respond: Implement it to the degree it makes you feel better and improves your life. Two things you MUST do: remove refined carbs from your diet AND get adequate sleep. If you let one slide you really need to tighten up the other. I’ve thought about which one to prioritize but this is a bit like asking if you want your heart or lungs to work. Screw one or the other up and you will have very serious problems.

Yesterday's WOD Board:

Friday, April 29, 2011

CrossFit Code 3 and CrossFit South Bay in the house!

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."
-Albert Einstein

Above: Ryan, owner and coach at CrossFit Code 3 in Torrance, came to get 11.6 validated this morning with the 6am class.  Although his hands were still torn up from 11.5 and the Toes to Bar, he still rocked the Thrusters and Chest to Bar Pull-ups.
Above: Rob and Jon from CrossFit South Bay stopped by to workout with us this morning!  Both boys played football for University of Arizona prior to kicking butt in CrossFit.  Jon has qualified for the Southern California Regional and will compete in June for 1 of 3 spots at the CrossFit Games.

Today's WOD:
"CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.6"

AMRAP in 7 minutes, of:
3 Barbell Thrusters (100/65 lbs.)
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
6 Barbell Thrusters (100/65 lbs.)
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
9 Barbell Thrusters (100/65 lbs.)
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
12 Barbell Thrusters (100/65 lbs.)
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Barbell Thrusters (100/65 lbs.)
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
18 Barbell Thrusters (100/65 lbs.)
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
21 Barbell Thrusters (100/65 lbs.)
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups
If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.

Day 26 of the Paleo Challenge!
Check out this website for awesome recipes that are simple and delicious: Everyday Paleo by Sarah Fragoso.

Yesterday's WOD Board:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stretching Our Box!

“It is about people working together for the good of all of us.”
-Alan Mulally

Above:  As our family grows, we must grow and evolve, too!

Today's WOD:
5 rounds for time, of:
10 Overhead Squats (135/95 lbs.)
50 Double-Unders

I recently read a post by LAX CrossFit about "Stretching a Box Out" and I thought it was a great concept to share with our athletes.  With the growing number of members in our box, classes have become larger and workout space a little tighter.  So far, everyone has been doing a great job at adjusting and sharing.  As coaches, we are always talking about how we can be better, especially in a larger class size setting.  The other part of having a larger class run smoothly falls on the athletes.  It takes everyones cooperation to make a tight box with a large class comfortable.

CrossFit athletes LOVE to clean - Make sure you do your part in keeping our gym clean--yes, this means chalk as well as your bodily fluids.  Blood and sweat are all a part of CrossFit and WODs, but do not share your fluids with other members!  The gym gets cleaned daily and mopped weekly, but do your part and help us tidy up after every class.  Clean up your mess with, my favorite, Lysol wipes--bars, medicine balls, abmats, kettlebells, GHDs, pullup bar, etc.  This also helps with the up-keeping of the box and our awesome equipment.  The better shape our equipment is, the happier we all are--so take care of our stuff!

Space management - Part of the reason we put a cap on our membership is the limited amount of gym space we have.  I want everyone to feel comfortable during a workout.  Sometimes, there might be a class where we are pushing the boundaries of space.  This might mean we run 2 heats for the WOD or we get creative with how we space our athletes out.  It also might mean you can't "waterfall" or throw the barbells around--I know my 10 lbs. and 15 lbs. bumper plates are grateful for that!  Our main priority is safety, so be flexible if a class is larger and think safety of you and others first!  The coaches will help you manage workout space, so listen and be willing to share.

Sharing is caring - Yes, we all know this golden rule!  We have a ton of equipment, enough for everybody - most of the time.  There have been classes that we may have been short on clips for the barbell (more are on order) or Concept-2 Rowers.  Again, the coaches will try to accommodate all of our participating athletes for that WOD, so just be flexible and understanding.  As more members join and more equipment is needed, the coaches will make sure the box is ready to handle the traffic.

Don't forget how you felt during your first WOD - With new members rolling through the doors everyday, please continue to make them feel at home.  You guys have done a phenomenal job thus far and I've heard so many great things from new and visiting athletes!  Keep up the good work, or Coach John will implement his 50 burpee penalty!

Finally, I just want to give a huge shout out to every single member of our gym.  I speak for all the coaches when I say, you guys truly make CrossFit 808 a very special place to workout.  The camaraderie that flows through the coaches and members is present the moment you step in the door and that says volumes about the kind of gym we are.  The changes for the better that have occurred in each and everyone of you motivates all those around you--at work, at home, at school, at the mall.  We are 40 members away from closing the doors to others, so if you've got family and friends who have been "waiting", don't let them put it off anymore.

Yesterday's WOD Board:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

No regrets - be fit and live your life to the fullest!

"Make it a rule of life never to regret-- Regret is an appalling waste of energy, you can't build on it; it's only good for wallowing in." 
-Katherine Mansfield

Above: The 6am class get their day started with some barbell fun for the masses!  The Lululemon crew even jumped in with the class this morning.  Way to rock the house athletes!  Also, welcome to the club new members, Jewel and Ceronda, who joined this morning.

Today's WOD:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds for time:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65 lbs.)
Push Jerk (95/65 lbs.)

Day 24 of the 30 Day Paleo Challenge!
Checkout this website/blog for awesome, colorful, delicious Paelo-friendly recipes: Sweet Cheeks!
Paleo Pad Thai (pictured below) was one of their most recent features. Doesn't it look delicious?

Yesterday's WOD Board:
Checkout all those PRs (personal records)!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Let's see some PRs!

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”

Above:  Kevin grabbed a huge PR this morning--from 23:15 to 17:53!  He is proof that CrossFit and Paleo work and they work fast.  Its been only 2 months and he's shaving off over 5 minutes!

Today's WOD:
3 rounds for time:
500m Row
21 Burpees
400m Run

Compare to March 4, 2011.

Day 23 of the Paleo Challenge!

Rips, Tears, Blisters... OH MY!
Whether you are new to CrossFit or been doing it for years, blisters, tears, and rips on your hands are always painful.  Does it ever get better?  Yes, as your skin and hands toughen up you find yourself ripping/blistering less and less.  But, other factors can come into play, like heat.  Doing pull-ups on a bar outside in the sun versus inside in the air conditioning is much different on your hands.  If you are doing a high volume of workouts or competing, tearing your hands can hinder/prevent your progress, so taping and/or hand protection is important for an athlete.

There are products out there that can help protect your hands during WODs.  We also have a bucket full of cut up yoga mats that work well.  But, if you want to purchase some personal gymnastic grips, Again Faster makes a solid product, as seen below, and can be purchased for $19.95:

If you are going to go with athletic tape for protection, there are only 2 methods that I recommend. Watch the following video by CrossFit Los Angeles for one of the methods.  The other method is very similar to this one, but has the tape coming around the back of the hand as well.  If you'd like to see the other method, just bring in some tape and I will show you!

I don't recommend using tape, gymnastic grips, yoga mats, etc. all the time.  It is important to find balance between allowing your hands/skin to toughen up and ripping your hands so badly you can't workout for a week.  Check tomorrow's blog for information on how to help your hands heal faster if you do tear.

Yesterday's WOD Board:

Monday, April 25, 2011

Make it a good day!

"Optimism is a choice. I don’t have a good day… I make it a good day."
-L.G. Turner

Above: Can you pair up the families in this class? Hoku and Mike Kinzie inspired their mom, Joy, to come try CrossFit! She kicked butt on her Tabata Situps.  Is there any better gift for your family then health and fitness?

Today's WOD:
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1

Tabata Sit-ups
Tabata Bottom to Bottom Squats
"Tabata": 8 rounds of 20 secs of work, 10 secs of rest.  Score is the lowest rep count of any round.

Day 22 of the Paleo Challenge!
Bring your food journals in if you want one last look over by a coach!  What changes have you seen over the last 3 weeks?

Saturday's WOD Board:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Giving it all you got - Brandy takes on 11.5 at LAX CrossFit!

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”
-Jamie Paolinetti

Above:  Coach Cheyne doing a "weighted" rope climb!  She is 4 months pregnant and still going strong!

Today's WOD:

For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps (20")
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings (2/1.5 pood)
30 Sit-ups (with Abmat)
20 DB Squat cleans (35/20 lbs.)
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots (20/14 lbs. to 10 ft.)
3 Rope climb ascents (18.5 ft.)

Day 20 of the Paleo Challenge10 days left... but like Jade says, "Its really just a start to a new beginning!"

Brandy does Open Workout 11.5 at LAX CrossFit
Hawaii might know her as a former high school and college basketball standout, but everyone at CrossFit 808 knows her as a recently turned CrossFit junkie.  While she has a body many men wish they possessed, she is soft spoken, humble, and very positive. Only days before the CrossFit Games Open began, Brandy decided to register and compete with no CrossFit experience besides doing "Lynne" with me awhile back.  With every WOD and Open Workout, Brandy just gets better and better!  She puts a whole new meaning to "learning on the fly".  
This weekend, Brandy went to Orange County for a family vacation and needed to do the Open Workout 11.5 on the road.  Luckily, one of my friends, Dan Uyemura, owner of LAX CrossFit, graciously offered to open his gym up for her and validate her 11.5.  Not only did Brandy grab 9 rounds using a 16 lbs. ball for the Wall Balls, which was 2 lbs. over the prescribed women's weight, but she also fought through the pain of terribly torn up hands that opened up in Round 2!  Dan was very impressed with her perseverance.  Brandy definitely represented CrossFit 808 well and didn't let excuses get in the way of her results!

So, with one Open Workout left, 11.6, I throw this question out:  What's your excuse for not giving it everything you got? 

Yesterday's WOD Board:

Friday, April 22, 2011

Its a Good Friday: 100 members! Membership Cap changed to only 150!

“How soon 'not now' becomes 'never'.”
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Above:  (Top) Jamie battles her barbell in the Power Cleans! Way to rip it girl! (Bottom) The aftermath of WOD 11.5... this 20 minutes AMRAP leaves no one standing! Way to get after it today everyone!

Today's WOD:
"CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.5"
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Power Cleans (M-145#/W-100#)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Balls (M-20# to 10'/W-14# to 9')

Today, might have been a holiday for most, but none of our athletes took the day off from their WOD! In fact, I think most of them looked forward to getting in the box and sweating it out.  Congratulations to everyone who battled the 20-minute AMRAP beast, today.  We had some athletes put up some great numbers!

On another Good Friday note... we are at 100 members!  We have only 50 more spots for athletes with the drive and determination that our first 100 have!  Remember, you do not need CrossFit experience to do our classes.  If you are/were on the fence about joining, don't wait any longer.  Come see why so many have joined our box to better their health and fitness.  Once we're at our 150 member cap, we will start a wait-list.

Day 19 of the Paleo Challenge - You are almost done with 3 weeks of the Paleo Challenge! Keep your focus and finish STRONG!
Janet's BEFORE picture of Crockpot Pork Tenderloin with butternut squash, leeks, shallots, celery, and garlic cloves. Other seasonings used, includes ground cloves, cinnamon, crushed bay leaf, saffron, cayenne pepper, cumin, and coconut milk.

Yesterday's WOD Board:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 18 of the 30 Day Paleo Challenge!

“The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.”
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Above: Hoku, Mike, and Rome represent CrossFit 808 at the Lanikai triathlon that they participated in last Sunday.  Mike took the swim leg, Rome did the bike portion, and Hoku finished up with the run. There official time: 1 hr 14 min 10 sec.  There official method of training:  CrossFit!  Congratulations to all three of them for a job well done!

Today's WOD:
For time:
21 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs.)
400m Run
18 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs.)
400m Run
15 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs.)
400m Run
12 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs.)
400m Run

Day 18 of the Paleo Challenge!
Today, I heard from my former boss and head coach of the Samford Women's Basketball team, Mike, that his wife, Mel, had been diagnosed with breast cancer about 6 weeks ago.  Mel has already undergone 2 chemo treatments and so far the mass has shrunk in half.  The doctor is confident he can get it all out.

I share this story, because when I heard the news, the Paleo Diet immediately came to mind.  I have heard and read about numerous cancer patients beating and keeping cancer away with treatments and following the Paleo Diet.  Prior to leaving Alabama in September last year, I spoke with Mel about the Paleo Diet and she had begun to change her eating habits.  Mel is a very strong woman and has a strong support system, so I am confident she will kick breast cancer in the butt. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Here's a testimonial and update from a breast cancer survivor, Debbie, who took on the Paleo Diet to better her health as well as keep cancer away.  This was featured on The Paleo Diet blog back in 2005. While many of us do the Paleo Diet to better our health and fitness performance, this nutritional plan can aid in the battle with autoimmune diseases, like cancer and diabetes. 

Debbie's Story:
Dear Dr. Cordain,

I am a breast cancer survivor. I was first diagnosed with breast cancer on May 25, 2001: T1, Node Negative, Her2 positive and nuclear grade 3. I had a lumpectomy, aggressive chemotherapy and radiation. On March 26, 2004 my breast cancer returned to my L-1 disk in my spine. I had 6 months of weekly chemotherapy and radiation. By December 15, 2004 I was declared in remission.

Herceptin was part of the chemo protocol that I had received in 2004 and have been receiving it every three weeks since the beginning of January 2005. Tumor marker tests are also conducted every other month. Unfortunately, my tumor markers started rising and by the end of May tests the upward trend was disturbing.

I share this news with my pharmacist who is also a certified nutritionist on May 28th. He recommended that I immediately eliminate sugar and grains from my diet. I found your book, The Paleo Diet, and started to eliminate sugar, grains and dairy from my diet that day.

The results have been astonishing to say the least. On May 24, 2005 my CA 27 29 marker was 43 and as of October 24, 2005 is 24. My CA 15 3 marker was 28.6 on May 24, 2005 and is now 22.9. I am 100% convinced that it is a result of being a very compliant follower of the Paleo Diet. Cancer likes sugar. Sugar is not my friend and is an enemy to my health.

I am very thankful to a very astute and pharmacist/certified nutritionist who is on top of the current diets and the effects on one's health. We are what we eat. I do not miss any of the sweets that I craved so and love the fact that I have finally lost the 25 chemo/radiation weight that I could not lose no matter how much exercise or dieting I did since 2002. Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and lean meats and fish are the mainstay of my current good health.

I continue to emphasize to my incredible team of physicians at Duke that the wonderful lower tumor marker results are a result of my new diet. Thank you for your book and I will continue to spread the message to my support group and other women I meet who have breast cancer. Mind, body and soul-keeping each healthy is essential to survive this terrible disease. The diet recommended to me on May 28, 2005 empowered me to continue doing everything possible to win this battle.


Update on Debbie:
Dear Dr. Cordain,

My pharmacist emailed me your latest newsletter update and there was my story. Now to add to the story: I will be celebrating my fifth year of being in remission on December 15th—for the second time. I have continued The Paleo Diet and weigh my 2001 pre-cancer weight of 155. I am 5’10” and feel this is my ideal weight. My husband is also on the diet, since he eats what I eat.

I also started working for this pharmacist, Bob Barbrey, in April 2009. His pharmacy, Medicap Pharmacy is just a pharmacy that encourages good diet, nutrition, exercise and sleep as part of the complete picture of being proactive about one’s health. Prescribed drugs are a part of the process, but many of our customers are stepping up to owning their health and want to make changes to ensure they are in control of it. The Paleo Diet guidelines are shared as encouragement to pursue that ideal state of health and weight.

I continue to have excellent tumor markers and I have continue to share my story with my doctors and friends and anyone who cares to listen. I was at a party last Saturday with my husband and saw friends we have not seen in years. Everyone could not believe how healthy I looked and how fabulous I looked! They all were so happy I was still in remission. As a cancer survivor, we can be healthy and look fabulous! It was with great joy I donated my size 16 and 18 clothing to Goodwill as I now wear size 10’s and 12’s. I have lost a total of 45 pounds since May 28, 2005. I have reached my ideal weight naturally through this diet and that is 155.

I am very thankful to Bob Barbrey and his excellent advice on May 28, 2005!


Yesterday's WOD Board:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

CrossFit 808 shirts around the world!

‎"Those who truly have the spirit of champions are never wholly happy with an easy win. Half the satisfaction stems from knowing that is was the time and the effort you invested that led to your high achievement." 
-Nicole Haislett

Above: CrossFit 808 shirts around the world! (Top left) Winnie and Yuan Xue rock our shirts in San Jose, CA! (Top right) Alyssa wears her tank top in Minnesota snow! Yes, the picture was taken, today.  (Bottom left) Liz and Eric representing CrossFit 808 in Colorado! (Bottom right) Coach John deadlifts Katrina and Rome in our box.  All of them sporting our shirts! 

Today's WOD:
3 rounds for time:
100m Run
50 Push-ups
100m Run
50 Sit-ups
100m Run
50 Squats
100m Run
50 Back Extensions

Day 17 of the Paleo Challenge!

CrossFit 808 was featured in last week's Midweek!
Sports and Fitness - On the Move with Yu Shing Ting

Yesterday's WOD Board:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

No excuses!

"If someone tells you, 'You can't' they really mean, 'I can't.'" 
-Sean Stephenson

Above: Yes, you can row even with 1-leg!  Great job, Jade! Way to throw all excuses out the door and get after it!

Today's WOD:
Shoulder Press

2k Row for time.

Day 16 of the Paleo Challenge!
Kyla's Chicken Coconut Milk Curry - Spices, Coconut Milk, Broccoli, Onions, Bell Peppers and Chicken Breast. 

Yesterday's WOD Board:

Monday, April 18, 2011

"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."
-Bill Cosby

Above:  The Noon class gets down with their burpees!
Today's WOD:
(from CrossFit Santa Clara)
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
7 Power Cleans (95/65 lbs.)
7 Front Squats (95/65 lbs.)
7 Push Press (95/65 lbs.)
Every minute on the minute perform 3 Burpees.

Day 15 of the Paleo Challenge - Don't forget to bring in your food journals to have Coach Josh or Coach Elyse review and comment!  You are HALFWAY done with the Challenge!  Keep up the great work!
Peedi's Surf 'n Turf Paleo Style
Grassfed ground sirloin burger with lettuce, onion, and avocado. Shrimp breaded with coconut.

Saturday's WOD Board:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Why CrossFit Ruined My Life" by Cherie Chan, CrossFit Verve

"Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances." 
-J. Donald Walters

Above:  100 Pull-ups in Daniel may have left some of our athletes with torn up hands, but all of them will tell you it was worth it!  Hurts so good!

Today's WOD:
For time:
50 Pull-ups
400m Run
21 Thrusters (95/65 lbs.)
800m Run
21 Thrusters (95/65 lbs.)
400m Run
50 Pull-ups

Dedicated to Greg Glassman, the man that ruined my life.

My WHOLE life I searched for a fitness that I couldn’t explain.  I was always active, always “healthy”.  I was a vegetarian for 16 years, because it was “healthy”.  I ran, biked, climbed, surfed and lived a relatively balanced and happy lifestyle.  Then I found CrossFit and my life will never be the same....

Because of CrossFit, I will never eat Mung for dinner again (unless it's a cheat meal).  Mung is a delicious mixture of refried beans, peppers, onions, cheese, and salsa cooked in a crock pot on low.  I used homemade tortilla chips for dipping, cuz they are healthier then the store bought ones, right?

Because of CrossFit, normal everyday people just don’t look the same.  When you are constantly surrounded by CrossFitters your perception of human anatomy is skewed.  Too skinny is weak and too strong is slow.

Because of CrossFit, I believe all people are capable of amazing physical feats, when they don’t produce, I take it personally and have no tolerance for laziness.

Because of CrossFit, I will never be alone.  There will always be friends I should spend time with, athletes I need train and new people I want to get to know. 

Because of CrossFit, I may look amazing naked, however, damned if I can fit into normal girl clothes.  Put me in yoga pants and I’ll knock your socks off.  Send me on a mission to find a dress, pair of jeans or a feminine top and I’ll come home defeated.  My wardrobe will forever consist of 90% t’shirts.

Because of CrossFit, I will spend at least half of my waking days lurking on websites, watching, learning, getting pumped up and being inspired. will be the first site I look at every morning and the last before bed.  Why am I mesmerized by people working out.  Damn you CrossFit.

Because of CrossFit, my hands will never be soft and silky.  They will forever remain rough and coarse.  They have become hands of capacity and are not for looks or ginger caressing.

Because of CrossFit, I will never be able to separate my health and fitness again.  They will always be joined as one, interlocked in an intimate marriage of understanding.  I have no excuses. 

Because of CrossFit, people think I work out all day, deprive myself of sinful pleasures and am generally unfun (because their definition of fun has become so incompatible with mine)! 

Because of CrossFit, I will never be satisfied with my fitness.  There will always be something to achieve, something to try and something to “get better at”, nothing I can't do!

Has CrossFit ruined your life?

Day 13 of the Paleo Challenge!
We are almost done with the first 2-weeks of the Paleo Challenge! How are you feeling? What's changed since Week 1? Have some cravings come back? Are you not as motivated? Remember the BIG picture!! You are trying to better your health from the decades of bad nutrition and eating habits! 30 days of your life for a better you? Stay positive!

Yesterday's WOD Board:

Friday, April 15, 2011

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will."
-Vince Lombardi

Above: Before we hit our WOD yesterday, the coaches put on a Muscle-up clinic for each class! We have added 7 new members to the Muscle-up Club at CrossFit 808!  Congratulations to all those who got their very first Muscle-up yesterday and today!

Today's WOD:
"CrossFit Games Open 11.4"
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Overhead Squats (120/90 lbs.)
10 Muscle-ups

Welcome to the Muscle-up Club:
Nate, Ant, Jayme, Matt, Patrick, Jeff and Hoku

Athletes who are already in the Muscle-up Club:
Coach Josh, Coach John, Coach Cheyne, Coach Elyse, Mike Kinzie, Kyla, Seth, TJ, and Mike Ballenger

Day 12 of the Paleo Challenge!
Jackie found this recipe online at for homemade "Blueberry Muffin Larabars"!

Blueberry Muffin “Larabars®”
Ingredients (Makes 6 bars):
•1 cup(about 20) pitted dates
•1 cup almonds
•2 tablespoons shredded, unsweetened coconut
•1/2 cup dried blueberries
•1/2 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice(or cinnamon)

Combine all of the ingredients in a food processer. Blend for 2-3 minutes until the mixture starts clumping. If your ingredients are dry, add water one tablespoon at a time until it starts sticking to itself.

Line a pan with parchment paper and press the mixture in firmly towards one side of the pan. Cut out the bars with a knife and gently tear them apart. Alternatively, you could roll these into balls and eat them that way. Keep in the refrigerator for the best freshness.

Yesterday's WOD Board:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

CrossFit Stamford in the house!

"Hard work spotlights the character of people. Some turn up their sleeves. Some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all."
-Sam Ewing

Above:  CrossFit Stamford Firefighters from Connecticut doing work while visiting the islands.  Al ("Do Work" shirt) and Nick (red shorts) got their sweat on with us at the Noon class.  Coach Josh's mom, Terri, even made a guest appearance!

Today's WOD:
4 rounds for time:
400 M Run
50 Squats

Yesterday's WOD Board:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Athlete Profile: Katrina "KaNinja" Perry

"If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life." 
-Abraham H. Maslow

Above:  (Left) Katrina at her sister's wedding in 2005, before she found CrossFit. (Right) Katrina modeling our CrossFit 808 tank top, after a year of CrossFit she has lost over 20 pounds.

"Katrina Perry is one of my long-time friends and I am excited to feature her story/athlete profile.  Among her many talents, including hula, Katrina is an awesome CrossFitter and really focuses on getting her technique right in all her movements.  I am so proud of everything she has accomplished in only a year of CrossFit--not only has she lost 20 pounds, but she has also motivated her family members to improve their fitness and nutrition.  In fact, both of her older sisters, Crystal and Caroline aka "Diva", are now members at our box and doing great!

Don't let her long lashes and pretty face fool you!  This chick is one tough cookie!  Katrina is the perfect example of STRONG and BEAUTIFUL. She is tough, hardworking, determined, and has a big heart.  I can't wait to see her grab more PRs as the WODs roll by!  Read her story and be inspired to be better at life."  -Coach Elyse

ATHLETE PROFILE: Katrina "KaNinja" Perry 
Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii
Age: 24
When did you first start CrossFitting?: April 2010
Favorite WOD: "Christina" (WOD by Crossfit Las Vegas) AMRAP in 20 minutes, of: 9 Pull-ups, 9 Cleans, 9 KB swings, 9 Toes to Bar, 9 Push Press, 9 Burpees
Least Favorite WOD: 5 rounds for time: 400m run, 25 Burpees (jump and touch 1' above max reach)
I almost passed out and couldn’t complete the WOD!
Do you Paleo?: Majority of my meals are Paleo
Favorite Quote: "Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."

Tell us about you sports & fitness background: 
I’ve been Polynesian dancing since the age of 3. I played basketball and volleyball for a season in high school and unfortunately I wasn’t very good at either so I just stuck with dancing. For exercise I would jog on the treadmill for 30 minutes.

How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD... what was it, and how did it feel? 
My brother-in-law, Dan, suggested CrossFit. He heard about it from one of his triathlon friends who was a CrossFit coach. My first WOD was “Cindy does a Gauntlet”:  Pulls ups, push-ups, squats, deadlifts, hang power cleans, tuck jumps.  Max rep for 30 seconds at each station (5 rounds, with a 1 minute rest between rounds).  I did 3 rounds of it. Everything was modified for me except for the air squats and tuck jumps. I felt fine until the drive home when I started feeling nauseous. I had to pull over to a gas station and get a bottle of water. I continued going 4-5 times a week and I was extremely sore for that first month. 

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit (before/after)? 
My senior year in high school I went on a really unhealthy diet and lost a lot of weight. When I went away to college in California I gained the weight I had lost plus 10 lbs! It was embarrassing! After starting crossfit and eating paleo-ish I’ve seen huge changes in my body, especially in my face and waist. Nothing has ever worked for me before until I started CrossFiting and eating paleo-ish! I’m so happy with the way I look and I love how strong I’ve gotten.  

What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? 
I didn’t expect to love working out! I will practice things at home like double-unders, or do WODs on my own if I can’t make it to the gym because I want to be better. Another thing that was unexpected was all the friendships I’ve made at the gym. It’s a whole different atmosphere than working out at  a gym by yourself. Everyone is so encouraging and inspirational. 

Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CF808 moments: 
My favorite CrossFit 808 moment was yesterday. I was doing a WOD with pull-ups and felt exhausted. I wanted to stop, then I looked over to see coach John and coach Elyse doing weighted pull-ups! John had 110lbs tied to his waist and Elyse had a 45lb dumbbell between her feet! It was very humbling and instead of me wishing it was easier it made me want to be better ;).  
My favorite CrossFit moments were getting my first pull-up, getting my first pistol and being Over Head Squatted by John Bentley!

Any advice for people just getting started? 
YES! If you have a non-athletic background, I know exactly how you feel! It may seem a little confusing at first but if you don’t understand a certain movement ask your coach to go over it with you before or after the WOD. It will help you get better quicker! And practice your double unders!!

What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? 
I still dance hula every now and then, paddle boarding, doing pistols at random places ;)

Today's WOD:
Overhead Squats 3-3-3-3-3
Barbell starts on the ground, no racks.

2 minutes max reps of Bar-Facing Burpees
2 minutes REST
2 minutes max reps of Bar-Facing Burpees

Yesterday's WOD Board: