Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 27 of the Paleo Challenge: Intermittent Fasting

"If you cheat reps in a WOD, I know about it and I tell others!" 
-Coach John B.

Today's WOD:
Front Squat

For time:
150 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs. to 10')
See March 3, 2011.

Day 27 of the Paleo Challenge!
Question: What if you're out with the family at a family fair/carnival and you are hungry, but didn't pack anything to eat?

Answer: Intermittent fasting!  If you want it in Paleolithic terms--our ancestors did not have grocery stores to stop at whenever they were hungry and sometimes they just couldn't make the catch or couldn't find some berries, so they had no choice but to fast for a day or so.  I have played around with intermittent fasting and found that it really makes me feel "clean", like I've gotten all the junk out.  Its not that hard, either, just takes a bit of will power.  Sometimes my fasting is planned, like I stop eating at 5:00pm and then eat the next day at 9:00am--16 to 20 hours is ideal for an intermittent fast.  Other times, the fasting is unplanned, like when my brother eats the meal I packed for the following day, so I have no choice but to fast till dinner.

Robb Wolf touches briefly on this in a blog post, saying: 
If you are familiar with the book Lights Out! Sleep, Sugar and Survival you will likely understand the importance of not only adequate sleep but also periods of fasting (ketosis) and living in a accordance with our genetics if you want to avoid fun stuff like premature aging, cancer and insulin resistance. Some people like Lights Out, others hate it but the information Wiley and Formby presented continues to be validated and occasionally implemented.

A great question is “how do I implement intermittent fasting?” to which I would respond: Implement it to the degree it makes you feel better and improves your life. Two things you MUST do: remove refined carbs from your diet AND get adequate sleep. If you let one slide you really need to tighten up the other. I’ve thought about which one to prioritize but this is a bit like asking if you want your heart or lungs to work. Screw one or the other up and you will have very serious problems.

Yesterday's WOD Board:

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