Thursday, December 22, 2011

Punahou Class of 2003!

"The whole story of human and personal progress is an unmitigated tale of denials today-denials of rest, denials or repose and comfort and ease and pleasure-that tomorrow may be richer."
-James Carroll

Above: Punahou Class of 2003 in the house! Our good friend and classmate, Daniel Druger, came by the box and did his first CrossFit WOD, while on his Christmas vacation back in the islands! He did awesome and we hope to see him more while he's still here.
Today's WOD:
Hang Power Cleans 3-3-3-3-3

4 Cycles (score is total number of pull-ups):
AMRAP in 2 minutes:
20 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs.)
Rest 2 minutes between each cycle.

Change to Monday's Holiday Schedule:
Since the demand is high for the earlier class on Monday, we will have the following Holiday Schedule on Monday, December 26th: 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm (6pm is cancelled). Please, RSVP below or on Facebook for a class time.

3:00pm - Peedi, Marsha, Joe, Liza, Dustin, Nicole, Jackie, Kevin Yap, Zach, Amber, K.P., Sydney, Kathi, Kehau, Lori, and Crystal
4:00pm - Jade, Jordan, Jenna, Darin, Ken, Jeff M., Mike Yoshino, Michelle Barker, Ingrid, Loren, Mark S., Travis, Bob Egbert, Shay, and Marcus Ono (visiting)
5:00pm - Shanelle, Emily, Shyla, Shelley, Mary, Brie, Bush, Jon, Laura, Janelle, Pat, Dr. B, Peter, Lin, and Jeff Mata

Yesterday's WOD Board: