Monday, October 24, 2011

SAVE THE DATE: Paleo Potluck!

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
-Steve Jobs

Above: Don't let age be your excuse! Bob and Joy Kinzie, are my heroes... I hope to be moving like them when I'm in the 60+ and 55-60 Master's age groups.

Today's WOD:
Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

"Open WOD #1"
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
30 Double-Unders
15 Power Snatches (75/55 lbs.)

Day 22 of the 50-day Paleo Challenge: Paleo Potluck and Paleo Chili Cook-off at the box on Veteran's Day!
SAVE THE DATE! Announcing the first CrossFit 808 Paleo Chili Cook-off, followed by Paleo Potluck!  On Veteran's Day, Friday, November 11th.  The time is TBD for now. But, most likely it will be post-last class and we will be on a holiday schedule, so lunchtime/early afternoon! The theme is the Chili cook-off, but you can bring whatever you like to the potluck as long as it is PALEO! So far we've got 3 competitors for the Chili cook-off: The Mata's (Jeff and Sokheng), The Szymanek's (Joe and Liza), and The King's (Jeff and Jamie... if they aren't on the outer island). Who else is in? Kim, Jackie, Marsha, and Maila where you at? 

Saturday's WOD Board:

1 comment:

  1. Way to move Bob and Joy - another one of our awesome couples at 808!

    I'm looking forward to this Paleo potluck/chili cook-off, it is getting hyped up big time!!

    The return of 11.1... I told one of the classes today that the "no drop" rule would make them want to "shoot themselves in the head' as it did for me. Control under pressure! Another way of testing fitness, and those negatives off the top of the power snatch! I saw real good ones today. And congratulations to heat 1 of the 6PM class... no barbell sound!!!


    Breakfast:4 Omega-3 eggs cooked with coconut oil, some steak pieces, watermelon, red cabbage, some cucumber, some baby carrots, some broccoli, 1 apple banana, some walnuts, fish oilx4

    Lunch: leftover steak, green cabbage, some cucumber, watermelon, orange, coconut flakes, fish oilx4

    Dinner: Pork chops with olive oil, kale-chard cooked veggie mix, sauteed onions, coconut milk tapioca, fish oilx5


    Breakfast: Leftover pork chops with olive oil, kale-chard veggies with the onions, paleo pancake piece (Kabocha), some cucumber, some baby carrots, walnuts, some watermelon, fish oilx4

    Lunch: Paleo Ground turkey meatloaf, kale-chard veggies, green cabbage, some cucumber, watermelon, some baby carrots, some coconut milk tapioca, 100% dark chocolate piece, fish oilx4

    PWO: apple banana, sardines, swt pot (BF), larabar (apple pie), piece of Rome's zucchini bread! ('ono!)

    Dinner: Paleo Ground turkey meatloaf, green cabbage, some broccoli, some watermelon, some coconut milk tapioca, 100% dark chocolate piece, fish oilx5
