Tuesday, May 10, 2011

WOD Journals: Measurable and Repeatable

"Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
-Howard Thurman

Above: CrossFit RX in the house! Paul and Dustin came and worked out with our morning class. They are visiting from Atlanta, GA.

Today's WOD:

Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5


800 M Run for time

Rest 60 seconds

400 M Run for time

Rest 30 seconds

200 M Run for time

WOD Journals: Measurable and Repeatable

Single modality strength days sometimes disappoint athletes who walk in the door and see those few numbers (1-1-1-1/3-3-3/5-5-5-5-5). While these WODs may not "yet" excite the novice athlete, those seasoned CrossFitters get a chill when they read the white board and cherish the opportunity to get another PR!

Often times on these strength days I hear, "I can't remember (insert: max weight, WOD time, reps) the last time I did this." This is when I stop everyone in class and remind them the importance of recording your daily WOD in a journal or log. There is absolutely no reason not to. Coach Elyse has a giant desk calendar she keeps her plethora of WODs on, Coach Cheyne has a journal that has a page for each individual benchmark WOD, Coach Josh has a log book and an excel spreadsheet, and well... I have a photographic memory. ;)

Measuring your fitness is a huge part of CrossFit, even if you just started and are just trying to get back in shape, you will want to be able to see your progress sometime down the road, I PROMISE!

Did you know Coach Elyse can dead-lift more than 300 lbs, or Coach Josh can push jerk over 260 lbs, and Coach Cheyne did the WOD "Jason" that has 50 muscle-ups in it??? Trust me, their WOD journals didn't always have numbers like this, but keeping track of their progress kept them motivated in their efforts to get faster and stronger.

So now go get a journal and never look back! If you are a digital geek check out beyondthewhiteboard.com or noscrolls.com or just google "crossfit online log" and I bet you will get more options.

Yesterday's WOD Board:

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