Friday, May 4, 2012

Team PurePharma!

“Just go out there and do what you've got to do.”
-Martina Navrátilová

Above: I am so thrilled to announce that we will be selling PurePharma at the box! Moreover, I am officially a part of the PurePharma team. I have been using their products (both the Omega 3 and Vitamin D) for the past month and love it! My energy levels are up and I feel good. Perfect timing with Regionals right around the corner, so thank you PurePharma! I will be placing a bulk order with them for the box right after Regionals, so let me know in the weeks coming how many bottles you'd like.
Today's WOD:
4 sets of:
Deadlifts x 4-6 reps
Handstand Push-ups x Max reps
Rest 2-minutes

AMRAP in 5 mins:
10 Push Press (115/75 lbs.)
15 KB Swings (53/35 lbs.)
Rest 5-minutes
AMRAP in 5-mins:
10 Pull-ups
10 Box Jumps (24"/20")

Yesterday's WOD Board:

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