“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”
-Abraham Lincoln
Today's WOD:
A. Three sets, not for time, of:
Toes to Bar x 10-12 reps
Double-Unders x 30-50 reps
Handstand Push-Ups x 10-12 reps
B. Every minute, on the minute, for a total of 12 minutes, perform the following:
Snatch x 1 rep
C. Three sets, each for time, of:
Row 500 Meters
21 KB Swings (53/35 lbs.)
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 3-minutes
CrossFit 808 and the 2013 Open!
I want to briefly summarize what I mentioned at the 2-year Anniversary Party about the Open Workouts. Like last year, we will be doing the weekly Open Workout during our regular group classes on Thursdays (6am, 8:30am, Noon, 4pm, 5pm, and 6pm). We will also hold our Saturday Night Open event at 4:30pm every Saturday. You can also watch the team hit the Open Workout of the week on Saturdays at 3:30pm - Josh, Joe, Rich, Jeff, Kyla, Brandy, Shay and Elyse.
- Thursday Class - We will hit the "Open Workout for the Week" on Thursdays as the WOD for all classes. If you plan on being validated during a class you must sign-up for a class time (this is only for registered athletes, all others can just attend the class). Post the class time you intend on coming to for Thursday's Open Workout on the gym sign-up sheet or on the designated Facebook post.
- Saturday Night Open - Everyone is invited to either judge, cheer on, or participate in the Open WOD (you do not have to be registered to attend). Saturday Night Lights will begin at 4:00pm. Please sign-up on the weekly sign-up sheet at the box or on the respective Facebook page post. All athletes will be assigned a heat and notified of their heat assignment upon arrival on Saturday. Please DO NOT show up before 4:00pm, the first heat will not begin till 4:30pm, so you'll have plenty of time to warm-up!
- Sundays - This is completely on the as needed basis, but if we need it, we'll have Open Gym from 12:30 - 2pm.
My recommendation to the majority of you is to go into the Open with the intention of only doing the Open Workout once. Just have fun and give everything you've got once a week. Why? Well you definitely do not get a second chance at the Games or Regionals. Also, the volume of these events, especially multiple times a week, can have an impact on your body and how you recover. We want to avoid overtraining as well as overuse injuries. This is about you being better, not getting worse.
- "Thursday in class, please!"
- Monday: Room WOD
- Tuesday: Room WOD
- Wednesday: Rest Day - Mobility and Mental Preparation
- Thursday: Open Workout in class
- Friday: Room WOD
- Saturday: Room WOD, then come cheer at S.N.O.
- Sunday: Rest Day
- "Saturday Night Open, please!" (If you want to get a little practice in, then come in on Thursday and do a portion of the Open Workout, then Rest on Friday.)
- Monday: Room WOD
- Tuesday: Room WOD
- Wednesday: Room WOD
- Thursday: Rest Day
- Friday: Room WOD
- Saturday: Open Workout at S.N.O.
- Sunday: Rest Day
The exceptions to the "One and Done" case are my Master athletes and this is my "main event" athlete. Masters, the Open is your Regional and I get it, so let's make every rep count and be proud of your effort. To the athletes who consider the Open your "main event," which you have worked your butt off preparing for, then yes, if there's a workout you think you want to redo, let's do it.
- "The Open is my MAIN EVENT"
- Monday: Room WOD
- Tuesday: Room WOD
- Wednesday: Rest Day - Mobility and Mental Preparation
- Thursday: Open Workout in class
- Friday: Rest Day - a ton of Mobility and Stretching
- Saturday: Open Workout at S.N.O.
- Sunday: Rest Day
One last announcement, DO NOT FORGET TO plug in your scores by SUNDAY! You must submit all scores by 5:00pm Pacific Time (so 2:00pm Hawaii Time) on respective Sundays. DO NOT wait till the last minute, because in the past CrossFit has had issues with their website, and with 100,000+ participants... I'd put the blame on you for trying to post so late!
Important Information about the next cycle of our Elements Program and Free Intro Classes: No Free Intro Class aka "Bring a Friend Day" will be Saturday, April 6th at 11:00am! The next Group Elements Program will begin the week following, Monday, April 8th. Please reserve your spot by emailing us at info@808crossfit.com and put in the subject line: AM or PM (choose one) ELEMENTS ATHLETE. More details can be found on our website (www.808crossfit.com) under the "Getting Started" tab.